Nars Orgasm

Directed by Damien Krisl, Editing by Jose Cota, Color by Tim Masick, VFX by Nightshift, Music by The Chromatics


NARS “No Rules. Just Lips.”

Featuring Sora Choi, Directed by Fabien Baron, Cinematography by Stuart Dryburgh, Styled by Ludivine Poiblanc, Editing by Graham Patterson, Color by Tim Masick, VFX by Nightshift, Music by Stelios Phili


Nars Audacious Fragrance

Featuring Iriska Kravchenko, Directed by Fabien Baron, Cinematography by Andre Chemetoff, Styled by Ludivine Poiblanc, Editing by Will Town, Color by Tim Masick, VFX by Modern Post, Music by Ben Chatwin


NARS Product Films

In collaboration with various CG artists and photographers, we have created these dynamic animations for NARS.




Hugo Boss